The Quest for Waste AKA Managing Waste in India
This is a repost from my wordpress blog. I am planning to shut that down. Waste management in India is a big challenge and local government seems unable and/or unwilling to tackle the problem. While cities have a semblance of garbage collection mechanism, it is practically non-existent for small towns and villages across this vast land. In addition, the recent boom has generated uncontrolled and unplanned development giving rise to mountains of garbage in towns and villages close to bigger cities. Of all the civic services a local government can provide, waste management has a huge impact on public hygiene and livability index. The question is, how do we change this picture? The answer might be the most cliched acronym in India - PPP or Private Public Partnership. Ketan Shah, a serial entrepreneur from the Silicon Valley is now starting his new quest in waste management. Ketan, who has had several successful exits, is originally from Udwada , a small coastal village in...